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Erfahrung in Moers & Umgebung seit 1965
Ehrliche, kompetente und individuelle Beratung
Mehrfach ausgezeichnet in über 55 Jahren
N AGoogle
We would like to thank the team of Hoffman for their support and effort. And special thanks to Nikolas B. who guide us through the whole process with an exceptional performance and great commitment.
We were looking for a new place for months and eventually knocked on Nikolas door for help and support. In less than a week we signed our new contract and found a place what exactly matches our wishes. Big plus is that we had support in English what made the communication better and easier for us to understand.
So big applause for the team and would definitely recommend them! Just keep in mind that you might find something sooner than you expected. So keep your suitcases and boxes ready for moving.
Greetings from a happy couple
M and N